John Alagood, PhD

headshot of John Alagood

Assistant Professor, Management and HCA

Professional Preparation

  • PhD, University of North Texas, Health Services Research with concentration in Applied Gerontology 
  • MBA, University of Chicago, Finance and Strategic Management
  • MAcc, University of Oklahoma, Accounting
  • BBA, University of Oklahoma, Management Information Systems
  • BAcc, University of Oklahoma, Accounting


John Alagood is a gerontologist, specializing in senior living decisions and enhancing the quality of life in later years. As an assistant professor in Â鶹ÊÓƵ’s College of Business, he teaches courses in healthcare administration, including healthcare accounting, finance, and economics. His research examines aging-driven residential transitions, senior living choices, and the growing senior placement industry, with published works exploring dementia, gerontechnology, and senior care navigation.

Alagood has played a pivotal role in the senior placement sector, shaping the National Placement and Referral Alliance (NPRA) of Texas and serving on NPRA’s national board. Alongside his focus in this niche, Alagood’s journey encompasses over 20 years of wide-ranging business experience, with roles in crisis management and consulting for over 100 diverse entities on four continents. His teaching approach merges academic depth with practical knowledge, reflecting Â鶹ÊÓƵ's dedication to holistic learning and real-world relevance.

Representative Publications

Alagood, J., Prybutok, G., & Prybutok, V. R. (2023). Navigating Privacy and Data Safety: The Implications of Increased Online Activity among Older Adults Post-COVID-19 Induced Isolation. Information, 14(6), 346. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14060346

Alagood, J. (2023). Chapter 6. Navigating senior living and care. In X. Li, S. Ingman, & K. Brune (Eds.), Long-term Care Models and Culture Change Movements in U.S. Hubei Science Press.

Mpofu, E., Alagood, J., Li, X., Ntinda, K., & Yin, C. (2022). Dementia and older adults in the USA. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health.

Alagood, J. (2022). One state at a time: Families are winning protections in their search for senior living. CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) Journal, 88(3), 16–21.

Alagood, J. (2022). Aging with Zoom: How COVID-19 has helped to bridge the digital divide. CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) Journal, 89(4).

Montou, O., Pomare, Z. S., & Alagood, J. (in press). Health disparities: Gender and sexual orientation. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior.

Page last updated 9:24 AM, December 21, 2023